More on the LX1:
I'm finding that the UnRAW files that is, the JPGs stored with the RAW files are often what I end up using instead of the RAW image. The RAW gets pumped through ACR, which wants to interpret and optimise (or encourage me to do so). The JPG is more often than not what I was shooting in the first place. Funny, but I'm starting to see the RAW as mainly a backup in case I screwed up (or the contrast range was way out of line).
I've come across a few more scattered LX1 links.
- Bernard Marks is sponsored by Leica. I recognize at least one of his photos from NatGeo. The ad copy claims he uses a DLux2 and an M6, but there's no tellling which (if any) of the shots on his site were made with the digi.
- Flag-obsessed shooter Daniel Creighton got excited by his first day using the LX1.
- Here's a more interesting LX1 flickr link.
- Some links comparing the Panasonic LX1 and Leica DLux2: discussion on Galbraith and comparative pictures.